ett sista inlägg..?

Thee saddest song I ever heard 
Was the last song I wrote down for you
It was the saddest thing you've ever seen
Me in my chair and you gone

But I still tried to sing
In case you walked back through my door
And with tears in my eyes
And choke in my throat I held hope

Because we have some good things
And we have some broken things I know
I know that we had some old things
But damn they were our things
I know

But I know it could never be different
But I wanted to say that I miss you
But you're not coming home

The hardest thing I've ever done
Was sit down and tell you my truth
It was the hardest thing to look at you
To look at you and tell you my truth

But I still hide to tell it
My hope wrapped in faith that you'd stay
And my prayers scream to prayin' for you

Because we have some good things
And we have some broken things I know
I know that we had some old things
But damn they were our things
I know

But I know it could never be different
But I wanted to say that I miss you
But you're not coming home
Not coming hoooooome
You're not coming hooome

Because we have some good things
And we have some broken things I know
I know that we had some old things
But damn they were our things
I know

But I know it could never be different
But I wanted to say that I love you
Do not coming home
Not coming home...

du kommer alltid ha en bit av mitt hjärta.


There's been times, I'm so confused
All my roads, They lead to you
I just can't turn, And walk away

It's hard to say, What it is I see in you

vet inte riktigt om du förstår hur tydligt du visar att jag för dig är värdelös och ingenting.
jag funderar nästa på varför du har varit kvar o träffat mig i över 1 & halvt år, när du avslutade med orden
"kommer väl kännas ett tag men vafan finns ju hur många nya tjejer som helst så de spelar ingen roll"

o du har aldrig aldrig aldrig insett vadfan du gör o kommit tillbaks med en ärlig ursäkt ansikte mot ansikte utan
du svarar bara med o vara arg tillbaka.
jag är ledsen förstår du det?

kanske inte spelar någon roll längre men du är jävligt dålig på o visa att du brytt dig?

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